Following route clockwise from car park above Laudun.

Laudun and Ceasar's Camp (on the skyline) from St Victor la Coste in the south.

Gentle ascent up to Ceasar's Camp.

Mont Ventoux in the haze to the east, with the Rhone river below.

Another view to the east over the Rhone valley.

and St Victor la Coste to the south with its castle ruins.

No need to buy a guide, there are several of these on site.

Some of the excavated and reconstructed Roman remains,

and the view towards the forum.

You are likely to encounter these on the escarpment, and they do really smell that bad ... ...

In the foreground is where the path descends steeply off to the right (but not off the edge!).

The natural defences of the cliffs to the north of the Camp.