
Ceasar's Camp - Laudun, France


From the rough stone car park at the end of the road from Laudun, head north-east and take the left-hand track which rises gently up the hill.

The track leads straight to the 'Camp de Ceasar' at the 'Pas de Loup'. There are superb views of the Rhone, Mont Ventoux (when it's not hazy), and the ruined castle at St Victor la Coste in the south. Directly below the track, just to the east of Laudun, can be seen the moated Chateau de Lascours (which in the past could be visited, but is now private property).

Take some time to explore the ruins of the Roman camp, it's well worth the effort.

Return to near the head of the track at the 'Pas de Loup' and head north-east again to follow the edge of the escarpment. There are plenty of places for a picnic, or just to sit and appreciate the views.

Continue to the end of the flat area on top of the escarpment, until the path runs out at the end.

You will need to search carefully (look for yellow paint marks) and climb down between rocks to locate the path which first descends steeply north, and then turns south onto a stone track in the woods. Follow the track contouring the hillside to return to the car park.