Villa in Olaya suburb in the north-west of Riyadh, near to Al Aruba Road and Al Akaria shopping centre. Our faithful and super-fast Toyota Cressida parked ready and waiting.

Start of our commute into central Riyadh.

Approaching underpass before King Faisal Foundation building on left.

King Faisal Foundation building on the left. On plan, the buildings form two facing triangles with two link bridges between.

The mad approach to what used to be called 'Suicide Road' - notorious for the number of fatal car crashes. The road swings violently right and leads onto a hairpin bend, three lanes into two, then into one!

The hairpin bend on Suicide Road.

The new (under construction in 1987) Ministry of Interior building - the Saudi space invader.

The underpass under Al Mather Street with the Intercontinental Hotel on the right of the road.

The break-neck dash down Tariq Al Malik Faisal street (minimum speed 60 mph - 95 klicks).

Final turn coming up on the right alongside Al Mubarak hospital - otherwise known as the 'Blood Tub Depot'.

Onto the side street leading to Al Washm Street. Just made it for the 7:30am start! Well done faithful and powerful Toyota Cressida.